Acupuncture technique which is invented by Chinese medical doctor, Dr Zhong-hua Fu in 1990s. This acupuncture technique is by using a modified acupuncture needle to stimulate areas where Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling (FSN), also called Floating Acupuncture (FA) is a new nearby trigger points or Ashi points, or taut muscles so as to treat musculoskeletal conditions and other conditions.
Normal or traditional acupuncture techniques involves by inserting needles to penetrating skin, subcutaneous and muscular tissues and then stimulating the points. While FSN needle only penetrating to subcutaneous layer and stimulating on this layer. Therefore this technique has less pain and less sensation on the patents, however, it can produce an incredible pain relieving effect. For some acute pain condition, such as muscular and ligaments strains, tennis elbow, or acute back pain, it can have almost instant pain relieving results.
FSN is a disposable dry needle. The needle consists of a solid stainless-steel needle and a casing soft pipe. The former is for penetrating swiftly and easy manipulation, and the latter to retain the needle in subcutaneous layer for longer time after withdrawal of the stainless-steel needle.
FSN mainly focuses on treating Ashi points or Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrPs), which are commonly associated with pain. Myofascial Trigger Points are described as hyperirritable spots in skeletal muscle that are associated with palpable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibers. Spontaneous Electrical Activity(SEA), one of the MTrP features, can be recorded easily by electromyographers . The subcutaneous layer can be twitched by mechanical forces, so FSN relieves pain more quickly than traditional acupuncture.
FSN can treat most of pain conditions with very good results. In fact, some conditions can be relieved almost instantly.
Absolutely, compare to traditional acupuncture technique, it is much safe as it only manipulating on subcutaneous layer. In fact, there is less pain and less sensation from patient (does not require de-qi- needling sensation) after insertion of needle. Our patients love it as it is almost pain free insertion and pain free manipulation.